There are a lot of things to consider when buying and selling property. Our job is to make you as informed as possible and here are some associated costs to keep in mind.
Valuation - A ‘Registered Valuation Report* may be required by the bank or lender as part of your approval conditions. They can vary in cost depending on the property type. Most firms can give you an estimate before they undertake the work. This is paid upfront by the purchaser and directly to the valuation firm. *It is important to note that most banks insist that the valuation is done by one of their approved firms. Always wait for us to advise you on this before engaging a report to be done.
Solicitor/Legal Costs – This will vary depending on the complexity of the transaction. Many legal firms now offer estimates before work is undertaken and we strongly recommend you can idea of costs before you begin.
Lim Report - A LIM can be very useful in deciding if the property is worth purchasing, free from any restrictions and whether the intended use of the land is permitted. It shows details on a property such as plumbing, drainage, water reticulation plans, consents, licences and permits, etc.
Building Report – It is important to know the condition of your prospective home. This type of report can help you make an informed decision about the purchase of your property and can detect unknown or unseen problems.
Meth Testing Report – In this day and age these are becoming more common and will advise you if there is any contamination on the property.
Insurance Costs – House and contents will need to be arranged. House insurance is a requirement from the bank on all mortgages prior to settlement and a copy of this needs to be given to your lawyer. As well as helping you with your mortgage, we can also help and advise you with all areas of insurance.
Removalist Costs – Once you are ready to move you may need to employ the services of a professional moving company to get you into your new home. Generally they offer free quotes so you able to budget for this expense.